Tuesday, March 06, 2007

So there it is......

Not a good night tonight.


Worried, concerned, all of the above?

Yes it just seems to get harder every time you have to undergo another "procedure". They put a canula in whatever vein they can find , put you under, probe your insides with various tubes and cameras, hopefully fix the problem (reflux), tie a few knots and send you off home in a couple of days.

In the meantime your financial world is being turned upside down because a few seat hugging backbencher politicians listening to their bleating farmer electorate can suddenly change the whole face of the Managed Investment Scheme scenario. Am I bitter? You bet!

I have spent the past 15 years in this business. The claims made by the anti MIS supporters are based on "anecdotal" evidence, not facts. I have written to every Federal Government Minister I can find to urge them to reconsider this decision. I have yet to recieve a reply.

So where do we go from here? Well we simply live in hope. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. I just find it harder and harder to keep a positive attitude. But in the end, a negative attitude achieves nothing.

But I am very, very tired.

Maybe my "Fundo" on Thursday will make me feel better.

I really hope so! I REALLY hope so.

