Saturday, September 09, 2006

Rebuilding the Man: Two days on.

As suspected Ben is feeling a lot better today. It turns out he was supposed to have had a liquid meal, instead of the regular meal, for dinner last night. This would have contributed to the nausea.

The pain has subsided from yesterday. He's off the morphine drip now and just using panadol as pain management. There is still pain however, it's nowhere near as bad.

They've made him get out of bed for the first time post operation. He was standing with the aid of the walker with the plan to make it to the shower. Due to the diziness he was experiencing he wasn't able to make it. Apparently this seems to be the case with most of the patients. He'll try it tomorrow, hopefully with better results.

There was some concern before the operation about how Ben's lungs would hold up. Operations such as this put a huge toll on the body and considering he has only just had the lung transplant, there was sufficient (albeit minimal) risk involed. At this stage he looks to be doing fine. His vitals, whilst a little higher than normal, are standard for this type of patient and there have been no signs of infection (the primary worry) at this stage.

Tomorrow he should be up and walking around. =)

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