"Dad, I love you Dearly" - Jax
A year and one day ago I was leaving my last appointment for the day and checking my messages on my mobile phone. There was one from Mum and she sounded rather panicked. This isn’t unusual for her. She tends to leave messages in a certain tone of voice that makes you think something is wrong. I rang back immediately and she said Dad had received “the call”. The long anticipated “call”. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. I thought I was dreaming. Those of you who know me well, know that I experience very vivid dreams and anything could happen in them. But this was the real deal. I met Mum and Dad at The Prince Charles Hospital. And you pretty much know the story from there. I swear it was the longest night of my life. Dad was very calm cool and collected throughout the entire night. Even through a time like this Dad kept his composure as the man of the family and he had to ensure that his family was happy and safe.
Dad is a very selfless man. Throughout his sickness he always put us first and worried more about us then himself. Remembering back I was crushed to see my Father so helpless. It pained me to see him struggle trying to walk a short walk from the bedroom to the kitchen table. Even though he was on oxygen the grasping for air was intense. And to see him pretty much a brand new man today is more than a miracle.
I was very impressed with the hospital staff – Surgeons, Doctors, Nurses and Administration. If it wasn’t for these people Dad wouldn’t be here today. We are very lucky that there are such devoted people in this world. As they wheeled Dad down the hallway to theatre I said to Mum this is just like on the movies. It seemed surreal. Mum chuckled at me. When recently watching the Ultimate Donation it brought me back to this time. Seeing Dad lying there on life support he looked peaceful. I certainly wasn’t prepared for the road ahead. And for Dad it was a rough and bumpy road ahead. You didn’t know what to expect and Dad made the journey and eventful one. He is a fighter and a determined man.
I must admit even though Dad does not complain he can get a little shall we say “cranky” at times. At least he does not get as cranky or more to the truth angry as he did before the transplant. I recall one day when we were working together. Dad was exiting the elevator I was about to enter. He was abusing this poor old man that looked about 80. I was horrified. It is probably the first time in my life (and hopefully the last) I pretended I didn’t know him. There are many other episodes but I won’t go into those. But as the doctors always say, the drugs cause his mood changes. We just need to ensure we aren’t in the firing line.
Fortunately we are a very close family. My Mother is the most amazingly brilliant dedicated woman I have ever met. In the last 2 years Mum gave all she had to Dad. She was not only a rock for Dad but also for all of my siblings. I wish I could grow up to be half the woman she is. I saw Paul grow up very quickly into a fine young man. He took over as the head of the family. He surely knew exactly what was happening at every stage of Dad’s stay in hospital and kept us fully informed. Dad if you had seen him you would have been very proud. Melissa gave me a fright. I remember when she arrived and Mum took her into ICU to see Dad. Jay and I were in the waiting room. Mum walked in with this dreadful look on her face. We were asking if Dad was ok. Did something happen to him? She finally got it out that it wasn’t Dad it was Melissa. Mel nearly passed out. We probably shouldn’t have laughed at her but I felt we needed a good laugh at an emotional time like this. It is amazing how you can all pull together when needed the most.
Here we are a year on. Dad is still here and all thanks to one very generous person that gave him the gift of life and it truly is the ultimate donation. I hate to think of what our lives would now be like without having his opportunity.
Dad has always lived by the philosophy that nothing is as bad as it seems. And you know what, he is exactly right. You need to be focused on what you want to achieve. And when you feel down and miserable you need to pick yourself up, dust your self off and soldier on. You are only here for a short time so make sure it is a damn good great time.
Dad I love you dearly and if there were more men in the world like you it would be far superior place to live.
Happy 1st Anniversary!
Love Jax!
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