Monday, September 11, 2006

Rebuilding the Man: Day Four.

Another day goes by and Ben's back at it making progress! "No rest for the wicked", as they say. Today he was up and about on his crutches, terrorising his fellow ward-mates as well as the defencless nurses. He has no trouble getting out of bed, it's getting back in that's the hard part. He says it best, "Once I'm up, I'm up." It seems he just waits around for someone to help him back into bed (Janyne, watch out! This will be your role soon!).

On other good news, the pain has subsided as well. He only has limited movement in his left leg so the process of getting himself mobile does cause some pain & discomfort. Apart from the profanities he's doing fine! (Just joking. I haven't heard one single swear word... yet!)

The chest X-Ray came back clear and there are no signs of infection so far. He's vitals, progress and general attitude at the moment are all excellent. Whilst this is to be expected, it does come as a welcomed relief. At this stage he looks set to return home on Thursday, only just a week on since the operation.

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